As the famous movie line goes, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"

Our man behind the curtain is none other than Kelly Howard, Chief Executive Member and Principle Architect. With over 30 years of programming experience across several types of platforms and programming languages, he is the innovator behind the concept, design, programming, and operation of our Network specific chiropractic software.
Kelly saw the need for a chiropractic software specific to Network Spinal Analysis care when his son in law (our Subject Matter Expert and husband to this intrepid blog writer) was shopping for chiropractic software to use in his practice. Nothing available on the market at the time was built specifically for Network nor could any of it capture the unique aspects of Network care in a care record.
With a few rough ideas, a little input, and tons of programming experience, Kelly set out to make the first ever Network specific EHR and office management software. That was in 2012. Fast forward 5 years and the H2D Software System is the hottest new chiropractic software specific to Network care on the market. No other chiropractic software is like ours! Learn more about the H2D Software System here.
"Great," you say, "you've made a chiropractic software specific to one technique, but I practice more than that!" I say, "But wait! There's MORE!"
For the past year, Kelly has been creating a care record that will allow any technique of chiropractic care to be recorded. YES - ANY technique and as MANY techniques as you want with a few touches (or clicks). We realized that not all NSA chiropractors exclusively practice Network or they may be in association with other chiropractors that practice a different technique or may have some other unique situation. So we thought, why not make the H2D Software System practically limitless with possibilities!?
Look for its release, and a few surprises, later this year. Sign up for our newsletter here to be among the first to know.
Kelly was born in Memphis, TX, grew up in Lubbock, TX, and has lived all over the country over the years. He has two grown children, one of which is your humble servant and intrepid blog writer. He loves outdoor adventures and is a saltwater aquarium hobbyist. He currently lives in the Portland, OR area (in true form with his adventuring and living all over the country).